In her Capstone project fires in the tree, Zoe Chao explores the idea of family through the lens of race, ethnicity, gender and culture, taking readers on a journey through the branches of a family tree – both intact and broken.
In her Capstone Somewhere at the Bottom of the Slide, Grace Edelstein addresses the topic of communication and demonstrates how media, experiences, and relationships influence an individual's behavior and outlook.
Lost in the Mirror, Storm Egbosimba’s senior Capstone project, addresses his various identities,exploring how these disparate shards come together to reflect who they are.
Seo Lee's Capstone project Human Residue addresses the themes of family, home, and childhood through pieces that evoke a nostalgia for home and capture romanticized pockets of childhood where memories linger like hazy film photographs.
In his Capstone project entitled Puzzled, Michael Li shines a light on the dynamic between humans and technology and reveals what we must not forget: we are human, not robots, and there is an intrinsic and invaluable beauty in us that shouldn’t be lost.
In his multi-genre Capstone project entitled Bruised Not Broken, Riley Rosenberger addresses the stress and damaged feelings we face throughout life and the different emotional responses that result from them.
Mike Yan's Capstone project Veni Vidi Vixi addresses the danger and allure of passions that transcend time. Mike poses as a traveler who tours the past, present, and future while looking for his own narrative voice.